Sunday, January 31, 2016

No Pearl Jam tickets for this chick

Now that I'm back to work full time, I have had to rely on my calendar on my phone each and everyday. So many things to do before and after work, reminders of up coming appointments and meetings. I don't like the fact that this cancer drug I'm on is robbing me of my everyday memory, but if using technology is my coping method, so be it.

For many years I was a member of the Pearl Jam Fan Club so when there was an upcoming concert, I was able to get prime tickets. I gave up that fan club a few years ago as many told me I was too old to follow bands around. (BS) This band that I love announced concerts in Toronto and Ottawa in May 2016 so a friend was going to try and score us some tickets. The day to try and snag these tickets was on Friday and we missed out. Of course I was devastated, but I turned it around in my favour. When people asked me if I got tickets and I had to say no, they were so sad...I merely advised them that after the shit year I had in 2015, I am just fortunate to be alive!! Yes, I'M STILL ALIVE:). It hurts to see so many posting that they were able to get great seats, and I thought...."maybe I should play the cancer card and write to the fan club and plead my case" However that's not how I work, so all those who get to see this wonderful band in May, enjoy!

If you read my Facebook, you knew that I had a surprise birthday for Billy last night. He was totally surprised and it was a marvelous night spent with 18 of our closest friends and family. The food was great, the venue superb and Billy was impressed that no one let the secret slip. I still find it hard to believe that he is 60, and I will be there in 4 more years. How did that happen? Our 36 anniversary is coming up n April and it still seems like we got married just last year.

So as a very busy week comes to a close, I will try and focus on all the good things in my life and forget about concerts that I will not attend. It just wasn't meant to be this time. But maybe in another few years they will come back and circumstances will be different.

Enjoy your Sunday everybody. Spend some time with the ones you love and rejoice in all the good things!

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